What was education like in the late 19th and early 20th centuries? Who was Charlotte Mason? Why was she so influential, and what relevance does she still have for us today? Find out through this exhibition that celebrates the 100-year anniversary of the life and legacy of this pioneer in home education and learning through the natural world.


Charlotte Mason was born into the Victorian era (1837-1901), a time of great social and political change, as well as expansion of the British Empire. Some would say it was a golden period of development and breakthroughs, but for others, there was still transformation required, such as in education. The three individuals below highlight some of those advocating and actioning change in education around Ambleside and the Lake District in Charlotte Mason’s early years.


Today, Charlotte Mason’s principles and teachings continue through homes, communities, groups, and schools around the world. There is also a growing appreciation for how learning through the natural world can benefit children and young people in more formal education settings. If you’d like to leave a memory, a letter of thanks, or picture, we would love to hear from you. The Armitt is a charity and independent trust. To keep preserving the Charlotte Mason collection for future we rely on the support of donations so anything you can give to ensure the sustainability of the archive will be gratefully received. You can donate using the ‘Donate’ button below.


Memories from Charlotte Mason college students and staff

With thanks to the Ambleside Oral History Group

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